About Us
Rainbow Car Care has been South Montgomery County’s One Stop Car Care Center since 1986.
For your convenience, we offer the following full-service departments:
- Car Wash
- Detail Center
- Shell Gas Station
- Express Oil & Lube
- Certified Vehicle Inspection Station
Additionally, we keep detailed records of all services performed for warranty purposes.
Ask us about opening a convenient Fleet Account for Businesses, Government Agencies, and Corporations. Each account is customized for the needs of each entity.
We look forward to serving you

Thank you #10 DeAndre Hopkins!

Gift Cards and Pre-Paid Wash Cards available.
Wi-Fi now available.
We accept:
- All Major Credit Cards
- Shell Credit Cards
- Most Fleet Maintenance Programs

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the prices and description of the services contained on this website. However, in the event of discrepancies, in-store information will take precedence.